Sunday, January 31, 2010

Waiting for the Dust to Settle

My laptop was returned to me today with all the bugs (potentially) gone. At the moment, I've been a little afraid to start it up only to see the dreaded "Blue Screen of Death". Nothing can make your stomach drop down harder than trying to open a file, then all of a sudden...BLUE! Only time will tell if the problems have truly been eliminated.

What does it mean if these problems are gone? Simple, the hiatus will end. I think I've spent enough time way to get "fresh air" that I should be able to delve back down into the world of Azeroth. And it isn't like I was getting anything down with my time off. I thought I'd use the time to play some other game titles that have started to gather dust, but the most I've done was replay GTA 4 and I still haven't finished it this second time through.

The current plan of action for my return is still not fully decided. I do know that I'll be moving servers...again. I will return to my roots and be true to myself. I will return to The Horde! All my friends that originally were on Blade's Edge (US) on the Alliance have made the move while I was gone. Some started new toons, most though paid to have their alliance characters transferred. The choice to transfer or start from scratch is rather simple for me. For financial reasons, I'll have to start from the beginning...once again. LOL!

It does kind of depress me in a way, because it will awhile to level to 80 again. I realize that I could just start a Death Knight and be that much closer to 80, but if I'm planning to play a toon from start to finish, I want one that I can call my main. I've got time to think about what toon combination that I'll choose before I restart my account. I do have a few ideas as to what I'd like to do such as:

Undead Rogue (I loved my alliance rogue. Stealth, Poison, Pick Pocket. What is there not to love?)
Undead Warlock (My first toon years ago was a warlock, even though underplayed now, still a fun solo class.)
Tauren Druid (A little bit of everything: healer, tank, melee dps, ranged dps.)

Of course, there are many other combinations that jump out at me that I'd want to try. Who is to say that I won't try these and more? I am the alt-a-maniac, am I not? I'll probably start playing a little bit of each classes like I always do. But this time I want to try to at least stick to one toon most of the time. Trying, though, being the most important part. Only time will tell.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm Back, My Story

I'm still here, more or less. I'm online check my usual sites, but currently on hiatus from the wonder game, WoW. Why, some may ask? Well, there are many reasons for my departure. Might as well start from the beginning, which was about a week after my last post.

I was starting to work on getting emblems for my lvl 80 hunter when I noticed that a few of my friends had left the guild we were in. Now keep in mind I knew that one of my friends was on another server leveling a horde druid, but his brother and the others were firmly set in staying on the server we were on. While investing the departure of my comrades, I was soon to discover that they were not only switching servers, but switch sides. They each were transferring at least one of their characters to the horde side on this other server where my one friend had leveled his druid to 80. Here I was alone on the server. I had a choice follow my friends or stick it out and continue with the guild that I was in. Well, I stuck it out more or less. I did start a character on this other server and played a little bit, but since not everyone had jumped ship yet, I continued to play on with my hunter.

The tranfers of my friends weren't the only things that occured around this time. I started to have some computer problems that would cause my system to crash whenever I'd tried anything graphically intensive. I'd get on WoW and five minutes into the game, my system would shut down on me. This started my headache.

What continued the headache would be the burnout that I was starting to feel when I did get some time to play. I had been played for 6 months straight trying to level both my rogue and my hunter. I was needing some time off, try playing other games, something.

However, I wouldn't get the chance to try anything new. My grandfather, Opa, died the day after Thanksgiving. The family left to head three states over to attend the funeral and get some of the family affairs in order. A week away from everything helped clear my head enough to know that I needed the break and that I'd came back to WoW, just not yet.

So, here I am still trying to get my computer back to operating efficiently so I can start playing WoW again, though this time on the horde side. Which as a side notice, I've always preferred since I first started playing horde several years ago. The only question is when that will be. Sadly, it looks like the current computer that I use to play is out of commission until its problems get resolved (blue screen of death problem and the system shut down one as well). I might have to look into getting an new laptop and if I do, it may be awhile. Don't know much as of yet.

So, as I have stated, I'm here to an extent. I'll be popping back on time to time to update my status, give ideas of my plans, etc. Until next time...