I've been busy these last couple of weeks. Not of work (though i do work my butt off there), but with working on Kaldalon, my hunter. After getting him to level 80, I spent the time to work on the remaining quests in the zones that I hadn't finished (Zul'Drak, Sholazar Basin, Icecrown, and Storm Peaks), rep dailies, Argent Tournament, Wintergrasp, and Heroic Dungeons.
So far, I've completed Zul'Drak and Sholazar Basin quests and halfway through Icecrown. Don't even ask me about Storm Peaks. I know I've probably had plenty of time to get through those two areas, but with the Argent Tournament, Wintergrasp and Heroic Dungeons, I've been busy. I'm starting to get some decent gear, mostly PvP gear, but compared to what I had, it is an improvement.
So what is the point of all my work? I'm getting my hunter geared so getting through the heroics will be easier, but also to grind emblems and seals but for Heirlooms. What is the point of being an altamaniac if you aren't planning on play alts? Am I not right? So what is my plan, you may ask. Well, here it is...
1. Continue heroic dailies and dungeon runs which gets the emblems and better gear for my hunter. (Two Birds, One Stone)
2. Grind through Argent Tournament dailies to get Champions Seals.
3. Champion Argent Crusade by wearing their tabard while running heroics to get exalted. Need this to open up more Argent Tournament dailies, more dailies equals more seals.
While I'll be concentrating on these tasks, I will continue with zone quests,, rep dailies, and Wintergrasp to break the repetitious cycle. If all things go well, I'll have gathered enough Emblems and Champions Seals to purchase not only 1, but two Heirloom items, one from the emblems and one from the seals. The two items that I'm looking at are Polished Spaulders of Valor and Polished Breastplate of Valor. So can anyone guess to what class that my next major alt will be? Warrior!...of Light, so yes, that means, I'm going to begin to play a Paladin. The only next that I'll need to get is the Bloodied Arcanite Reaper. The only thing is for aesthetic purposes, I would have preferred to have a two-handed Mace instead of two-handed Ax. A paladin just screams Mace over Ax, but I'll just have to take what I can get. Though, the nice thing is that once I get these 3 items, I will be able to use them for a full-fledged Warrior...say when Cataclysm comes out. A Warrior Worgen sounds pretty good, don't it?
Anyway, I think I've been long winded enough today. I need to jump back on the game and continue to work on my game plan. Until next time...